Sunday, May 17, 2020

Creative Writing a Dream Come True Essay - 1002 Words

Creative Writing: A Dream Come True Chad Jay Yr.11 There I was, sitting on my bed at 2:30 am. Wondering about the dream I just had. Not only was it stupid, but I have never had such a weird dream. It was really different. The dream was about a little dog. The dog was walking on my chest, while I was lying on something soft. I think it was a mattress. The puppy walked towards y waist. I knew that it was going to bite. Get lost. I yelled. The dog remained calm. Now it was standing on my waist. It lowered its cute head, and sniffed my pockets. I was surprised. Why didnt it bite? Then the dog was walking towards my chest. This time I wasnt scared. It opened its mouth and lowered its head again. This time my heart stared to thump. Was†¦show more content†¦Why didnt anyone else sit next to her, didnt they notice her beauty? I knew exactly where to sit. As I sat next to her, she smiled and introduced herself. I was really surprised. I knew that it was my lucky day. Hi. She said, Im Lisa. Whats your name?. Jack I mumbled. I havent seen you catching this bus before. There were so many things I wanted to ask her, but I didnt know where to start. Where do you work?. Lisa asked. Commonwealth Bank, the City branch I replied What about you? Thompson Solicitors, Its in Bourke Street. I suppose you are going to catch a train as well?. Lisa answered. Yes. I always catch public transport to work because I dont have to bother about parking. I said. During the next half hour we both exchanged our thoughts and feelings. I also found out that she was twenty-two and most importantly, single. I felt really lucky. We both got off the train together. We were holding hands. I knew that I would be late for work once again. I didnt really care about work, all I had in my mind was Lisa. As we were walking down the Flinders Street Station I felt really special. She suddenly stoped. She turned towards me and stared in my eyes. She kissed me and said that she had to go. Where are you going?. I asked sadly. I have to go to work. Lisa replied. She hugged me once more and left. When she hugged me if felt strange. No one has ever hugged me that tightly. I walked towards theShow MoreRelated`` Thought, By Louis H. Sullivan911 Words   |  4 Pagesillustrates the imp ortance of real thinking and creative thinking. He asserts that words are not really necessary to use to express our thoughts. He presents other wordless forms of communication to translate our thoughts into loud expressions. Music, painting, images and other wordless forms are the solution the author suggest, as better forms of communication. â€Å"Real thinking is better done without words† Sullivan argues. â€Å"Words† cut off the inspiration of creative thinking, and disturbs the imaginationRead More Dada Surrealism Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pagescentury brought rise to new and exciting art forms. These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever seen before. 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