Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psy 240 – Lesson 2 Essay

Identify the teratogens covered in this chapter and birth defects/disorders they can cause. Format your response as though you were giving a brief prevention lecture to young married couples. Your answer should be no fewer than 400 words in length. We are all aware of genetic and hereditary factors that may impact the health of the newborn baby. However, our ability to prevent genetic disorders is limited to genetic testing of parents and prenatal diagnostic methods that can reveal early warning signs of genetic defects before birth.Another group of factors that can greatly influence the health and the development of a baby are environmental agents. These agents are commonly referred to as teratogens and include any environmental agent that can cause damage during the prenatal period. Unlike genetic factors, the damaging effects of the teratogens during the prenatal period and after birth are almost completely preventible by the parents. Most common teratogens that can impact pregnan cy and child development are: prescription and non-prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, infectious disease, radiation and environmental pollutants.Many prescription and non-prescription drugs exert side-effects that may be harmful during the prenatal period. Even when these side-effects are not noticeable or are not affecting the mother they may be interfering with the normal prenatal development of the baby during early and later stages of the pregnancy. For this reason all newly-expecting women or those planning to become pregnant need to consult with a doctor about any prescription drugs they may have been taking and certainly before starting therapy with any new medications.Many people consider non-prescription or â€Å"over-the-counter† drugs to be safe because no physicians prescription is required for their purchase. This is a common and often a dangerous mistake. Many â€Å"over-the-counter† drugs and products are not classified as drugs but rat her as nutritional supplements and as such don't require FDA licensing and control. In general these products can be dangerous to health since their contents and action mechanism have not be adequately or scientifically tested. Their consumption by pregnant or planning -to-become pregnant women can be particularly dangerous.New mothers need to consult a medical professional before using any over-the-counter products including vitamin and mineral supplements. Another category of common products that often get overlooked but can be dangerous to prenatal development and infant health are cosmetics. Many cosmetic products contain chemicals that can be harmful to the mother and the baby. For instance, many anti-acne products and â€Å"blemish-removal† products contain retinol and retinoic acid which can affect the baby during the first trimester.The retinol based â€Å"over-the-counter† products, such as Retine-A cream, are similar to the prescription drug Accutane which is prohibited for use by pregnant women as it causes damage to baby's eyes, brain, immune system, ears and skull. Other commonly used beauty products can be dangerous as well. Some examples are lipsticks that may contain lead, lotions and creams containing paraben, hair colors, tanning products and many more. The best prevention is to avoid use of pharmaceuticals, supplements and cosmetics before and during pregnancy without consulting a doctor first.The use of illegal drugs prior to and during pregnancy and while breast feeding is extremely damaging to the baby. Commonly used â€Å"street drugs† such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamines and their derivatives cause a multitude of prenatal development abnormalities and can cause a lasting damage to the child's physical and mental health. Some of these abnormalities include: low birth weight, respiratory and cardiac difficulties, vision and hearing problems, metabolic abnormalities, premature birth and can cause death during or shortly after birth.Damage to the nervous system is particularly evident among illicit-drugs affected newborns and they are usually irritable, exhibit neurotic crying and often have lasting cognitive and social development difficulties and behavioral problems. The use of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and other so called â€Å"heavy drugs†, pre- and, during pregnancy and while breast feeding is especially dangerous as it causes the drug addiction of the newborn.The maternal use of marijuana causes a multitude of physical and psychological problems to the newborn including low birth weight, brain development abnormalities, depression and learning difficulties. Though it can not be linked to the inherited drug-addiction of the newborn, the use of â€Å"street drugs† by a father has been linked to a multitude of genetic diseases transferred to the off-spring. Though the exact modalities have not yet been determined for every drug, it is certain that use of dr ugs by a father causes mutations of the paternal DNA and therefore impacts the genotype of the baby.Persons with drug addiction problems planning to start a family should consult a medical professional well ahead of becoming pregnant to plan a course of action to cease the drug abuse and limit its damaging effects on the baby as well as parents. Already pregnant women with drug abuse problems need to contact the doctor as soon as possible to assess the risk and plan the best course of action needed. Alcohol consumption is one of the most damaging factors to a healthy pregnancy and birth. Mistakenly, most people consider â€Å"social drinking†, a consumption of one to two drinks daily or few time per week, to not be damaging to health.Though some evidence exists that a low or moderate consumption of alcohol can be beneficial to cardiovascular health, it is well established that even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can be detrimental to the prenatal development of the child. Alcohol causes a variety of prenatal development abnormalities jointly referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The FAS manifests itself in recognizable cranio-facial morphological deformities such as widely spaced eyes, a thin upper lip, small upward pointing nose, short eye-lid openings and a small head.The overall growth of the child is slowed. Furthermore, FAS causes a multitude of mental abnormalities such as attention, memory and language deficits, hyperactivity and abnormal motor skills and coordination. It has been established that these abnormalities result from the damaging effects of alcohol on neuron development in the early phases of pregnancy. Due to the overexpendature of oxygen by mother's body during alcohol metabolism, the fetus is often oxygen deprived which further contributes to development of the above mentioned health problems.Though the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy determines the extent of the damage caused, even small amounts of al cohol consumed can cause some of the symptoms listed. This milder form of FAS is referred to as fetal alcohol effects (FAE) and is equally concerning. Similarly to illegal drugs use, a link had been established between consumption of alcohol by a father and the mutations it causes to the paternal DNA which leads to multiple genetic defects of the offspring. All couples planning to bear children should stop all alcohol consumption well ahead of the time of pregnancy.Those with alcohol dependency should seek professional help in quitting drinking as alcoholism is a disease and requires a complex approach to physical and psychological issues that are causing it. The damaging effects of smoking on human health are well known but large number of child-bearing aged women still use tobacco regularly. The use of tobacco before, during and after the pregnancy has been linked to a multitude of infant health problems during the prenatal period and childhood. The tobacco using women are at a hi gher risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.It is a well known fact that nicotine, which is a vasoconstrictor, prevents an adequate blood flow to the uterus and causes defects to the placenta. In turn, the exchange of the nutrients between a mother and the baby is disturbed resulting in fetal malnutrition and low birth weight. As we know, low birth weight is a main predictor of the physical and mental developmental difficulties of the child. Nicotine affected babies are often born prematurely and exhibit cardiac and respiratory problems such as arrhythmia, asthma, sleep apnea, and are at a higher risk of developing cancer during childhood.The rate of infant death is also higher among this population of newborns. Even if physical health problems are not obvious, many nicotine-exposed babies display a certain degree of behavioral problems during their development. These can range from diminished sensory response, such as that to a sound, through over stimulation by touch and vision to a multitude of learning impairments. The best prevention to the nicotine-exposure health related issues is quitting smoking well before becoming pregnant.Even quitting smoking during pregnancy will greatly reduce the health risks to the baby. Joint quitting of smoking by both parents is usually the most successful approach as partners are able to support each other during this difficult endeavor. Exposure to the second hand smoke during pregnancy is equally as damaging to both mother and the baby. Again, quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to the second hand smoke will not only protect the child but also improve the health of the parents in the long run.All sexually active persons need to regularly undergo testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Prevention of, and regular testing for, STDs shows not only a concern about personal health but also a responsible approach to protecting the health of the partner and especially the health of the children the relationship may re sult in. Many STDs and infectious diseases are easily transferred during conception and from the mother to the embryo during this critical period of prenatal development. Many of these infections can cause serious and long-term defects to the fetus as well.Common birth defects caused by infection transmission during pregnancy include mental retardation, cardiac, respiratory and digestive system problems, vision and hearing damage and multitude of other conditions. One of the most dangerous STDs transferred from an infected mother to a baby is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes AIDS. The HIV-infected babies develop symptoms of AIDS much faster than adults. The disease progression can be as rapid as a few months after birth with most ill babies dying within first 5-8 months after birth.Women aware of their HIV positive status should consult with the specialist if planning on becoming pregnant to asses risk and discuss possible prophylactic methods that can be employed to prevent transmission. Couples and individuals planning on pregnancy should test for infectious diseases before conception and address any concerns they may have with a health care professional. In the case of HIV, many newly-developed anti-retro viral therapies can prevent the risk of transmission onto baby by as much as 95%.Other infectious diseases that should be of concern when planning pregnancy or when pregnant are herpes, hepatitis, rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc. Exhaustive testing for infectious diseases by both parents performed by a specialist is the best prevention of pregnancy complications and transmission to the newborn. Another teratogen that is of concern when evaluating the prenatal health is radiation. Though not as commonly encountered as other teratogens, radiation can be as devastating to the prenatal and postnatal development of the child.Exposure to radiation during pregnancy often leads to a miscarriage or birth defects such as physical deformities, ce ntral nervous system abnormalities, slow growth as well as a multitude of learning and emotional problems. Pregnant women and those planning on becoming pregnant should avoid exposure to radiation such as occupational exposure, for example radiology technicians, or medical exposure such as during exams with x-rays and other radioactive agents. Men should avoid exposure to radiation as well, as radioactive agents can cause mutations of the paternal DNA which can lead to birth defects of the offspring.Any concerns about possible radiation exposure need to be addressed with a medical professional as many methods are available to prevent and limit the damaging effects of radiation. Environmental pollution is probably a teratogen that is the hardest to avoid or prevent. As we know our ecosystem, be it the air, the land or the water, is heavily polluted with many agents and has lead to an increase of cancers, respiratory, neurological, hereditary and many other diseases in human populatio n. Unfortunately, environmental pollutants affect humans from our early days of prenatal development.One of the main ways babies get exposed to this teratogen is through the nutrient exchange during the prenatal development. The pollutants transferred through these means include mercury and other heavy metals found in contaminated food and water. The exposure to heavy metals during the prenatal development has been implicated with causing a multitude of abnormalities of the nervous system and psychological disorders. Many toxins commonly found in the products for everyday use cause many metabolic, immunity and respiratory disorders that have a long lasting effects on the health of the newborn.Environmental pollution is directly linked with childhood cancers as well as hereditary predisposition for cancer development. Some of the measures that can be taken during pregnancy to minimize the damaging effects of this teratogen include limiting the consumption of large predatory fish, suc h as salmon and tuna, which are often high in their mercury content, avoiding antibiotics and steroids contaminated meats as well as pesticide treated fruits and vegetables.Staying indoors and using air-filtration systems during high air-pollution days can prevent exposure to carbon monoxide and combustion byproduct gases. The use of industrial and chemical cleaning agents and chemicals should be avoided or limited to a minimum. As we can see there are many teratogens we are exposed to daily and though they damage our health it is especially frightening to think of the effects they have on the health of our unborn babies.Though these concerns are valid they should not stand in the way of enjoying the pregnancy, child birth and child rearing as the most pleasant and enriching experience of the lifetime. As we have learned most of the damaging effects of teratogens can be avoided and prevented through education, being aware of the risk factors and being proactive in taking steps to av oid the exposure and damage by practicing healthy living habits and seeking help when needed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Different Temperament Types

I have wondered how knowing my temperament will help me in my personal life? I wonder why I do certain things, and react the way that I do. I believe the results of this temperament study will give me insight into some of those â€Å"whys†. This study with the four different temperament types will give an underlying reason for my behaviors. I will try to use this information to not use the negative behaviors, which arise from my particular temperament type. When I took the personality test in the Temperament Sorter I was classified as a Guardian. This trait is characterized by strong managerial and organizational skills, dependability and seriousness, being down-to-earth and conservative. The Keirsey website describes Guardians as the â€Å"cornerstone of society† and claims that they make up 40 to 45 percent of the population. It highlights that the greatest strength in the Guardian trait is my logistical intelligence. It further mentions that, my personality dictates that when given an important choice between two methods, I will choose the one I am more familiar with rather than something new (the experience over experimentation principle). An example is when I want to take my children for an outing, while a new place will bring more excitement and a newer learning experience; I tend to choose the places I am more familiar with. I am very cautious about change, and realizing this I will make a strong effort to allow myself to venture out more and in doing so bring more exciting experiences to the lives of my children as well. Another significant behavior is related to my temperament’s respect for rules and authority. Thus, when my 11 year old son made his own Halloween decorations which tend to be rather scary for other neighbors, and I got some rather unkind comments, I immediately explained this to my son, and made an effort to remove the scary decorations and place them inside the house, and only let the more happy Halloween decorations remain. Realizing my strong belief in rules, I will further ensure that what is asked of me and my children is also fair in our viewpoint. Also, since Guardians are very serious about their duties and responsibilities the third important behavior that can be said about me is my need to complete a task when called upon. Thus during my daughters fund raiser at school, even though I was asked to do many last minute requests, because I knew this is important for her school, I tried to get things done to the best of my ability, even though I placed a huge stress upon myself. Lastly my need to follow schedules, and deadlines that is often a great trait in organizations at home can often lead to friction. It is very important for me to realize this drawback, and allow more flexibility. I believe if I can do this, I will help myself, and my family be more relaxed. As my mother always says â€Å"what will happen if your son doesn’t finish his homework, Friday night, he can do it Saturday or Sunday, and still feel he has had some freedom! 2 After reading my temperament, I think many of the traits of a Guardian are similar to what would be considered a good teacher. For example, Guardians will usually abide by the rules and respect authority. This characteristic sets a good example for the students. A teacher should always adopt a fair attitude, when it comes to making any form of evaluation, and must always be fair in their profession and while assessing students on their performance, instead of personal rapports and likings. One of the main characteristics of Guardians is that they always want fairness. Guardians tend to find satisfaction in doing work that involves detail; a good teacher should be meticulous and have an eye for detail. In fact, a disorganized person would find teaching unsuitable and unfulfilling. Well thought-out plans and programs for teaching will assist the productivity of a teacher. This temperament is always concerned about the welfare of people and will look after the physical needs of others, which is ideal in a teaching situation. Guardians expect to be held accountable and to take responsibility. They happily shoulder the load that they know needs to be done. A teacher should be dedicated towards their work. They should not kill time in the classroom and wait for the school bell to ring. Instead, taking out time and going the extra mile for the students is what makes an ideal teacher. A good teacher must have good time management skills and always value the importance of time, this will help the students to get organized and further enhance their learning by them learning to better manage their time. Guardians can have a lot of fun, but are quite serious about their duties responsibilities. A teacher who can have fun with their students, yet to remain serious about responsibilities so the students can both relax and enjoy the teacher, yet also have respect is a hallmark of a great teacher! 3 Research shows that shows that goodness of fit between your child's temperament and your parenting style is important for healthy social and emotional development. Differences in child temperament require differences in parental handling to achieve a good fit. For this to occur after reading my temperament I have to match My demands or expectations with what my child is able to do, given my child's temperament, age and abilities. I would now start by learning about my child's temperament as well. If I can understand my child's temperament then I can plan ahead to prevent potential problems. If I can learn about their difficulties, then I could use strategies to make the specific situation easier for everyone. For example as a Guardian I believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. My son as a Rational disregards any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources! I have tried to convey this message to him by teaching him why rules are important, and giving him specific examples, versus simply asking him to obey the rules and not be allowed to question me in any form. Because as a rational he trusts logic, and needs to understand why these rules are necessary. My daughter on the other hand is a Guardian like myself, and because she prefers sameness, I take my time introducing new things to her. For example when I take her to a new class, if I simply ask her to go and join in, and walk away, it will end badly. I have tried many different activities with her, and if I sit with her and give her time to explore to become comfortable, she is always happy, and engages beautifully. Considering the vast differences between our temperaments, and all the strengths and weaknesses we possess, it is important to learn how each temperament type will interact with each other and hopefully combine traits to bring about â€Å"goodness of fit†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Argument and Counterarguement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument and Counterarguement - Essay Example In addition, Anderson highlights the fact that the state recognizes the union of males and females but not same sex marriages. In his conclusion, he emphasizes that marriages as recognized by the state, should be that of a man and woman, a relationship â€Å"ideal for procreative love, childbearing and childrearing† (Anderson). Anderson deduced that a marriage should be between a male and female from the fact that only a sexual relationship between a man and woman can make reproduction possible. He claims that marriage is intentionally for the reproduction of the human species. Since same-sex-relationships by nature cannot make reproduction possible, heterosexual marriages are believed to be what satisfies this objective of marriage. As Anderson says, â€Å"Marriage is based on the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman† therefore, marriage should be between opposite sexes. This argument is valid because it is based from observable facts. Anderson considers the emotional aspect of relationships and he does not disregard its importance in the union of two people. The emotional aspect is a vital consideration in every relationship however it is only a heterosexual relationship that can satisfy the emotional needs of each partner as well as the objective of marriage which is hav ing children. Although Anderson has a good point, such argument may not seem sound to other readers because not all people getting in a relationship would really want to have children. Moreover, not all heterosexual relationships can really successfully produce children just like the case of infertile men or of barren women. Using inductive reasoning, Anderson comments that based from religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam, marriage has always been recognized to be the union of males and females. Trying not to limit his position on the issue in accordance to religious views, the author also presents the philosophies of the great ancient Greek and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Accounting 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Accounting 1 - Essay Example The organization had elaborate risk assessment about which every employee was cognizant. The organization conducted risk awareness and emergency response training regularly. Fire extinguishers were regularly checked and replaced and there were notices providing information on what do in the event of a hazard. The management routinely supplied employees with the latest information on common and emergent risks. I realized that the organization monitored and reviewed its internal controls periodically. The petty cash was checked at the end of every week and recommendations given on what to avoid and what to improve. Internal controls that were found ineffective or failing after monitoring were replaced and others were improved in order to enhance their functionality. The organization had a comprehensive yet simple way of reporting risks to the relevant officials in which everybody knew the most immediate person to approach. The organization had good information and communication system in place. The management issued memos in good time when calling for a meeting and every employee was issued with a copy of previous meeting’s minutes with the day’s agenda. The management was respectful in the way it summoned employee for disciplinary action and they did not let other employees know about it. The most outstanding element of the organization’s internal controls was its control activities. The duties of different individuals were separated and every individual knew what they were supposed to do and what to forward to the next person. This was most evident in the accounts department where duties such as approval of purchases, reception of deliveries, approval of invoices, review, and reconciliation of financial records were handled by different people. There were clear procedures for transactional authorization where there were officers entrusted with authorizing purchases and payments. No such transactions could be undertaken

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ecological - City Sprawl field trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ecological - City Sprawl field trip - Essay Example As will be seen in this brief essay, economic development need not always engender all of these negative attributes; however, re-purposing a site oftentimes has many negative effects (although oftentimes less negative than allowing the site to remain in use). Accordingly, this brief essay will consider but a few of these factors with relation to the field trip that was engaged upon by our class outing to the Millbrook Marsh site earlier in the semester. The site itself was formerly a farm. When individuals consider a farm they oftentimes wrongfully assume that such a â€Å"natural† business endeavor will likely engender few if any ecological impacts. However, this is far from the truth. High levels of bio-waste associated with animal waste and/or improperly disposed of chemical or pesticide waste can severely damage the ecology of a region for many years to come. With respect to the Millbrook Marsh field trip, the farm itself was originally reclaimed from a wetlands area that included multiple smaller wetlands that were built over and covered so as to provide suitable farming land. As was often the case prior to a more full and complete understanding of the environmental impacts associated with wetland destruction, wetlands were oftentimes viewed as wasted land that could and should be reclaimed in order to serve a more useful purpose; in this case – to provide the community with additional arable land. Upon disuse of the farm, the community leaders and civic entities responsible for parks and recreation decided to reclaim the wetlands which had been destroyed in order to provide but a positive environmental impact to the region as well as provide the community with an additional park within the region. Accordingly, a centrally designed plan was created to reclaim the wetland and provide a park and a location for environmental

Movie Theaters and Digital Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Movie Theaters and Digital Distribution - Essay Example The technology boom has advantages and challenges. It is up to the industry to get its act together to make best use of the opportunities. It is no use blaming anyone including technology and competition for plunging fortunes. Innovations and internet is making inroads deep inside domains hitherto impenetrable. People, the young generation in particular, are taking advantage. But this need not lead anyone to press the panic button. A good look at causes for decline in business proves that it is not due to technological advances but rather in spite of it. The problem lies elsewhere. It could be any one or more than one of the reasons. It could be technology, piracy, lethargy, obsolescence, or just plain stupidity. Whatever it is, research proves that it is manageable. The opportunities are immense. The younger generation is reaping it. It is not their fault if established markets have failed to appropriate their share. (The Future of Music+Technology, and Online Music). The rapid growth of entertainment and media technology has clearly rattled the relevant industries of music, movies and information. Suddenly everyone is talking in terms of the Digital Rights Management (DRM) as if it is the panacea to all the ailments. The DRM is helpful in curbing piracy and even competition. But what happens if the content of the music and the movie fails to inspire Will the DRM claim responsibility Can any amount of piracy wreck the bond between Michael Jackson and his fans If Enrique Iglesias makes an appeal not to encourage piracy, it will be interesting to get feedback of how many fans oblige. It is all very well to talk about security, legal protection, strong infrastructure, good network, and so on. Entertainment and media is facing real challenges from the digital revolution. The best way to face these challenges is by using factors both technical as well as emotional. There are many ways to maintain good customer relations and balance sheet. Every customer is not a pirate. (Blake White). Theatre owners are changing over to multiplexes in a big way in order to lure viewers. This is an external factor and a good one! However, it is equally important to adequately update and organize internal factors such as viewer satisfaction, added values such as better seat arrangement, sensibilities, hospitality, comforts, and so on. Movie goers no longer visit theatres to only watch films. They want more value for their money. Pirates or Demons I think the issue of home theatre, piracy and online distribution is being overblown. Going through statistics and observations, one cannot but agree that the problem exists. But not in the proportion it is being made out to be. Where there is a will there is a way. The Southeast Asian nations have proved it. Malaysia saw piracy drop from 95% to 65%. (Kristen Bole). If every country in the world displayed similar resolute purpose, piracy could be curbed to a very great extent. The revolution in communication and media industries has impacted every industry. Those who survived are the ones who reviewed the situation, prepared for the changes

Friday, July 26, 2019

APA RESEARCH PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

APA - Research Paper Example It is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and significantly increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. The last two decades have witnessed an increase in health care costs due to obesity and related issues among children and adolescents. Childhood obesity is a global phenomenon affecting all socio-economic groups, irrespective of age, sex or ethnicity. Aetiopathogenesis of childhood obesity is multi-factorial and includes genetic, neuroendocrine, metabolic, psychological, environmental and socio-cultural factors. Many co-morbid conditions like metabolic, cardiovascular, psychological, orthopaedic, neurological, hepatic, pulmonary and renal disorders are seen in association with childhood obesity. The treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents requires a multidisciplinary, multi-phase approach, which includes dietary management, physical activity enhancement, restriction of sedentary behaviour, pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery. A holist ic approach to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic needs a collection of activities including influencing policy makers and legislation, mobilizing communities, restructuring organizational practices, establishing coalitions and networks, empowering providers, imparting community education as well as enriching and reinforcing individual awareness and skills. The implications of this global phenomenon on future generations will be serious unless appropriate action is taken. Keywords: Adolescents, children, dietary management, obesity, overweight Go to: Introduction Worldwide, disease profiles are transforming at a rapid pace catching the attention of medical professionals and policy makers alike. This is particularly true in low and middle-income countries that form the major chunk of global population. The emerging epidemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes form the crux of this phenomenal change. Among these entities, obesity has become a colossal epidemic ca using serious public health concern and contributes to 2.6 million deaths worldwide every year1. Obesity is an independent risk factor for CVD. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality as well as reduced life expectancy. The last two decades of the previous century have witnessed dramatic increase in health care costs due to obesity and related issues among children and adolescents2. For children and adolescents, overweight and obesity are defined using age and sex specific normograms for body mass index (BMI). Children with BMI equal to or exceeding the age-gender-specific 95th percentile are defined obese. Those with BMI equal to or exceeding the 85th but are below 95th percentiles are defined overweight and are at risk for obesity related co-morbidities3. Go to: Epidemiology Childhood obesity affects both developed and developing countries of all socio-economic groups, irrespective of age, sex or ethnicity. It has been estimated that worldwide over 22 million children under the age of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marriage in Different Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marriage in Different Cultures - Essay Example Marriage in Italy is loosing its importance as couples move in together and live together without being married. This allows them more independence. Men and women who do get married, do so at a later age; for women it is twenty-seven while for men it is thirty. Also, second marriages have increased in number as couples tend to get divorced more often. This leads to an increased number of civil marriages as the Catholic Church does not allow a person to be married twice. Before you actually get married in Italy, you need to make sure that all the documentation is ready. A couple must appear before the civil registrar of the town where the marriage is to take place with two witnesses and make a declaration of their intention to marry. ( The birthrate has also dropped as a result of fewer marriages and marriage at an older age. This leads to the couple having their first child at an older age and since the woman can not conceive after the age of 45, it becomes difficult to have more than one or two children. In 1971 the average age of women having their first child was 25.1; in 1998 it was 28.4. The average number of children per woman dropped from 2.4 in 1981 to 1.2 in 1998. In 1993-94 one-child families represented 43.8 percent of the total of all families with children; in 1997-98 they represented 45.2 percent. ( One thing that underlies Italian families is their strong bond, even after the children leave home they stay in touch with their parents. Italians have a strong intergenerational camaraderie which helps them in facing problems and solving them. This shows that many children live at home till the age of 33. Around the world people trace their ancestry only through the paternal side but in Italy both paternal and maternal sides are traced. Thus ancestry is bilateral and relates the individual to more people. This way a large kin is developed which can help the person with any problems and provide help. Businesses in Italy also have a family based structure. The bilateral descent extends the family and clears the rights of every individual, places authority with a few people and specifies whom one can marry or can not marry. The place where you live in Italy also determines the relationships you develop. For example; children are closer to their grandparents rather than some uncle or aunt. This gives the grandparents more authority over the children. Authority is mostly based on age. Children live with their parents up until the time they are married, after that the parents prefer the children to set up house for themselves. Kinship among Italians is on the basis of three criteria: descent, marriage and pseudo relationship. The pseudo relationships include relatives acquired through ceremonies such as baptism and weddings. All this has changes because of industrialization. Courtship is more direct and marriage marks the end of the courtship process which has evolved. The weddings are very traditional. Guests are expected to repay former favors of the family to the couple. The groom's tie is cut up and sold to finance the honeymoon. Marriage in Germany reduced right after the post war era. There were fewer marriages, smaller

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Find Natalie Merchants song Gold Rush Brides. Listen to it. Enjoy it Assignment

Find Natalie Merchants song Gold Rush Brides. Listen to it. Enjoy it. Read the Lyrics - Assignment Example The point that the song makes in the line is that the Old American West offered many opportunities, but the opportunities came at a very hefty price. The song emphasizes a very complex reality in which the Wild West people lived. A condition fraught with tragedy, hardship, and risk. In such situations, there were no happy endings but people still continued to press on through sheer grit. According to Barman, 2007, the dominant cultural understanding of the Wild West portrays the vision of a land that lent itself to settlements and a simple context of Indians versus cowboys. It shows that Americans Westerns reduced all their plots line to line. The West was for all purposes and intent an uncivilized wilderness that lacked the amenities and the comfort of the civilized East. As the song lyrics put it, the women in the West suffered through childbirth, the death of their husbands, yellow fever, and even madness. Despite the land out West being free, women had to pay for it with their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

History - Essay Example The participation of Southern states in the adoption of the amendments of ending slavery was a light to the blacks; however, they reject the 14th amendments and this incited the Radical Republicans in passing Reconstruction Acts. These acts brought about division in Southern states based on their racial differences. 2. Describe the kind of violence Lucy McMillan experiences via 1871. How does this illustrate the problem of reconstruction? Lucy McMillan experiences the 1871 violence between Blacks and the Whites during the reconstruction era. McMillan illustrates the problems of reconstruction as it directly affects the citizens of North and South. The problems included lack of knowledge concerning land problems by most of the black leaders who had participated in the Reconstruction this made it possible for the whites to win over them. 3. How do the Louisiana Black Codes reinstate a kind of â€Å"virtual slavery† in 1865? Louisiana succeeded in his deal of protecting the Black s, his codes had significance in ending virtual slavery, and he denied the pardons involving those who had killed the African American war prisoners. Louisiana allowed each state in creating a new constitution, this came after taking an oath of allegiance by 10% of the total voters, through Louisiana’s efforts ending of discrimination of the blacks. 4. What kind of tribute does William Howard Day give to President Lincoln? Abraham Lincoln is not connected to any religious beliefs he, however, hold a strong believe that God is all-powerful. William Howard Day gave tributes to President Lincoln concerning his leadership especially during the reconstruction era. William confounded the president about his act of spending money and that his leadership is not trustworthy. William also pointed out Lincoln’s weakness as a man full of pride and self-centeredness. CHAPTER TWO 1. Is frontier settlement best understood as the story of competing ethnic, religious, and racial groups , or is it best understood as the place where capitalism left its mark? Frontier settlement is the region within a country fronting on another country usually neighboring country, in this settlement there are habitations. Frontier is usually a political and geographical region and found near a boundary. Frontier settlement being a political area can be best understood as a story involving competing ethnic, political and religious groups. 2. Was the West truly the place where Americans were most individualistic, democratic, and free, as Turner argued, or was it actually riddled with inequalities? Fredrick Jackson Turner in his thesis called Frontier or Turner Thesis stressed the liberty involving movement of releasing Americans from Europeans. From his thesis, it can be concluded that the west was not the place for Americans, the acquisition of the place based on the inequalities hence lacking democracy and full of individualistic. 3. One of the biggest occurrences of the 1870s was C uster’s Last Stand. Discuss the reminiscences of the battle. Custer’s Last Stand occurred in 1876, is a battle involving the most prominent act, which was pioneered by several leaders of war. The battle left several reminiscences among those who were involved and those who were affected. Several people killed 268 were killed, and 55 injured during the battle the battle led to displacement of hundreds of people. 4. Why did the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Victor Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Victor Frankenstein Essay His horror at how playing God has backfired is exemplified more by associating his creation with Dante and hell, whilst also referring to him as a demoniacal corpse, showing tremendous contrast from his original intentions. Because the reader doesnt yet know what (if anything) is going through the mind of the monster, it is only natural that they can sympathize with Frankenstein, and pity him in his fear and disappointment whether they believe him to be foolish and arrogant or not. After him being occupied with nothing but his work for so long, the arrival of Clerval serves as a reminder to the reader and Frankenstein of his family back home, bringing back an element of normality in Victors thoughts. When he falls ill, he is cared for and written to, showing that no matter how much he may have neglected his family he is still lucky to have them to care for him, whereas his monster has nothing and nobody. The next time we hear from the creation is when Victor encounters him on his way to Geneva. Without any real evidence, he immediately blames his fiend for the murder of William and is no less than degrading with his description of him. Saying that a flash of light illuminated the object quickly gives us an impression of the creature being sinister, as we normally associate lightning with being threatening. The fact that Victor objectifies his creation also shows how he is looked upon by his creator as a simple thing that only resembles a living being. Throughout the next few chapters, Shelley makes us feel sorry for Victors family and possibly Victor himself by using the death of Justine and William effectively. When it seems clear to Victor that these two people have died because of his actions, he has an epiphany-like moment. Besides from the initial thrill and enthusiasm he first felt; Victor knows that his dream has caused him nothing but pain. He says that his guilt hurried [him] away to a hell of intense tortures, such as no language can describe, this is certainly giving us the impression that he feels sorry for himself. He becomes angry at his creation: I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed even though he has no proof that the fiend had anything to do with the murder, he curses him for it without any doubt. However he also reflects that I , not in deed, but in effect was the true murderer. This is showing how Victor is coming to take responsibility for his actions and suffering in shame for them. Having walked into the mountains and met his creature, he threatens and insults him; labeling him as a vile insect and stating his desire to trample him. He condemns the monster in such a way, although if there were other people who knew about his experiments and results, it could be that he would be condemned too. The creation replies that as long as they both exist they are bound together and that Victor has a duty towards him as a creator even if he has been so far abandoned. Not really acknowledging what his creature said, Victor becomes then so angry that he throws away an amount of dignity and begins attacking his creation in vain. His enraged turn to physical violence while the creation only wishes to talk shows a darker side of Frankenstein and is an interesting comparison as the monster doesnt want to set himself in opposition. He likens himself to Adam and the fallen angel; again hinting at Victors old desires of playing God, as well as the fact that he greeted his creation with the word devil. Likening Geneva to Eden, and the Creation to be the forbidden fruit, Victor also plays the role of Adam, who lived in paradise before the temptation for more caused him to lose what he had. The monster uses words like abhor, spurn and detest frequently, which embellishes his anguish further. The creation asks Victor: Will no entreaties cause thee a favourable eye upon thy creature, who implores thy goodness and compassion? This is clearly a rhetorical question, and it tempts the reader again to doubt Victor and consider how he seems to be selfish and doesnt recognize his creature as a being capable of thought and emotions. You accuse me of murder; and yet you would with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. This gives the impression that the monster knows Victor sees him as sub-human, and not allowed regular justice as is given to normal people. Here Frankenstein uses the word wretched to describe himself rather than his creation, which leaves the reader to compare these two characters further still. Defeated in knowing that if he did not listen to the fiend, his life would most certainly become more miserable; he finally accepts responsibility and lets the creature tell his story. It is likely that Shelley uses the oxymoron-like term odious companion to express the start of Victor having mixed feelings other than hatred towards his creation. Although superhuman in abilities and monstrous in appearance, the Creation is shown to have all of the emotional traits of a human being. As mentioned previously, after he is first brought to life his mind resembles that of a child and he learns and develops knowledge the hard way. When he is talking about the time directly after he was created; although it is not said directly, Shelley uses short phrases fragmented frequently by commas to give a sense that the creature is bewildered. I was a poor, miserable, helpless wretch I sat down and wept. Because he doesnt understand anything and is left to roam outside with only whatever thoughts instinctively occur within him, he is incredibly frightened and like a teething child; he can only weep. As he becomes accustomed to the world he grows to be curious about nature, which he doesnt yet know that he is contrasted against, and this natural beauty inspires him initially to do good things. When he attempts to imitate birdsong, he realizes that the sounds he makes are uncouth and inarticulate; he is frightened by the sound of his own voice. He is shown to have a likeness to prehistoric man in that he has to learn everything himself. His first encounter with a human other than his creator is an anonymous old man. Upon seeing the creation, the man flees immediately, afraid. This happens again on a larger scale, when he enters a village he is rejected and chased out with weapons purely based on his appearance. This gives the creation a skewed view on humanity and leads him to start questioning himself and what he is. Soon after him being driven from the village he first sees the members of the DeLacey family, and is shown to have yet more human characteristics and emotions. I felt sensations of a peculiar and overpowering nature: they were a mixture of pain and pleasure such as I had never experienced. When he beholds the music played by the old man to the young girl, he is overwhelmed by the beauty of what he sees and displays empathy. It is here that he also experiences a desire to have friends and later suffers from pangs of guilt when he secretly takes food from the family in order to feed himself. The creation shows his sympathy and willingness to do good things when he gathers firewood for the family. His behaviour is altruistic, with him gaining nothing except to be able to watch how happy he has made the family by helping them. While staying around the house of the DeLacey family, his personality changes according to experience, whilst he slowly realizes the extent to which he is different from them and everyone else. He begins to refer to them as my cottagers, feeling a human sense of attachment to them, even though they are oblivious to his being there. His deformity betrays him when he makes out his reflection in a pool of water, and he realizes why people have fled from him, but still wonders what it would be like if he could keep the family in high spirits. As well as Shelley using these kind deeds to elevate him above Victor, it is noticeable how the creation constantly admires natures beauty, whereas when Frankenstein is building him, the creator simply ignores the scenery and environment around him. His aspiration to do kind things drives the monster to learn to read, and when he finds several books in the woods, he is led by them to ask himself whether or not he has an ultimate purpose, or any purpose at all. This ongoing existential crisis could be debatably the same for humans also, but it has a great effect on the creation because he knows he is different from anything within the books he has studied. He declares himself as a blot upon the earth and curses his creator whom he realizes he did not ask to create him. The main turning point for the monster is during his brief meeting with the blind old man of the DeLacey family. By this point in the novel, Shelley has shown us how his need for emotional warmth has swelled hugely, much as Victors anxiety that almost amounted to agony, shortly before he was to become heavily disappointed also, and drawing yet another comparison between the two protagonists. The creation is well spoken when he finally comes to have a conversation with a member of the family, showing how much effort he has put into his quest for company. The fact that to the blind man he seems like any other normal person helps Shelley to create more sympathy when he is eventually driven away. The creation tells the old man how he tenderly loves the cottagers, confirming the feeling of attachment which has only been hinted at before. But they believe that I wish to injure them, and it is that prejudice which I wish to overcome. This quotation shows how the monster has learnt exactly why he is rejected by human beings, but still hopes that he can salvage some friendship from them. The old man says to him how there is something in his words that persuades him that he is sincere, embellishing further the point that the creation is perfectly capable of passing as a human without his visual deformities. When the two young members of the family return, however, the creation is clinging to the legs of the blind man in a desperate flail for help. The aforementioned prejudice against him causes his actions to be misinterpreted much like earlier in the novel when Victor thinks that the fiend wished to detain him. With his hopes destroyed, the creation grows incredibly angry with human beings and declares an everlasting war against them. After how he has been treated this decision seems like a fair one, as they seem to be the source of all his anguish. There is a strange balance between him and humanity in that although to him they appear to be beautiful creatures that he only wants to interact with; their actions toward him are always negative. Whereas the creations actions toward mankind are at first positive, and to them he appears to be a vile and hideous monster to be scorned and avoided. He insinuates this himself when he finds the locket containing a picture of Elizabeth. I was ever deprived of the delights that such beautiful creatures could bestow in regarding me, would have changed that air of divine benignity to one of expressive disgust and affright. This is exemplified again when he rescues a young girl from drowning and is shot in return; again only trying to do good but seeing his own benign actions misinterpreted. This then leads him firstly to attempt to kidnap William, who even as a young child is shown to be prejudiced against him. To the reader his decision to kill who he knows to be a relative of Frankenstein seems less shocking because of his miserable story so far. Being kind to humans has only resulted in their rejection of him, and so it seems almost justified that he should take the opposite direction. After the deed is done, he tells how his heart swelled with exultation and hellish triumph and goes on to mention how he will enjoy punishing his creator further. Here is the creations transformation into the vengeful being that he is seen as to other characters. When the creation asks for his own companion it is no surprise due to his attitudes toward the creation so far that Victor initially refuses. It is easy for us to be compassionate toward the monster, because he only wants what we has humans mostly want, and that is to not be alone. He does not ask for much, and is willing to be banished and cast away by humankind if he can only have an Eve for him as Adam. As the story in this segment is told from Victors point of view, it contains much less sympathy and we see the creation again from the prejudiced human point of view: his face was wrinkled into contortions too horrible for human eyes to behold . However, Victor eventually softens to the creations plea, and sees good logic in keeping him contented, accepting responsibility for what he has created. I sometimes felt a wish to console him; but when I looked upon him, when I saw the filthy mass that moved and talked, my heart sickened This shows consideration for the monster but this time from Victors point of view. It is again reiterating how other than his appearance and strength, the monster is just like a human, and is capable of feeling emotions and receiving pity. Doubts about the benefit of creating a companion begin to manifest themselves in Victor as he grows nearer to creating his second creature. Unlike the first time he carried out this task, his heart is not in it as he knows that what he creates will be nothing like his original intentions that he had years ago. Just as now all Victor wishes to do is to settle down with Elizabeth, the creations only desire is to have a partner also. It is ironic that after Victor destroys what was to be the monsters companion, the creation says how despite Victor being his creator, he is his creators master. The creation is clearly mortified and crushed by Victors actions, knowing that he has been condemned to suffer alone, even after enduring incalculable fatigue, and cold, and hunger. Victor remains inexorable despite all of the creations threats and in the heat of the moment doesnt seem to care that this choice will probably be his own undoing. Strangely, when being tortured by the fiend, as well as being consumed by guilt, Victor is faintly selfish. He says no creature had ever been so miserable as I was although to the reader it is glaringly clear that the monster has been lonely much longer than he has, and that if the creation is trying to prove a point to his master, then Victor is stubbornly refusing to take note of it. When everything dear to him is lost, he sees that his only remaining duty is to destroy what he has unleashed on the world. His dedication to his final quest is shown at the beginning of the novel, where Waltons description of him shows us how he has driven himself to death. His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. Here the word wretched is used again, this time to describe Victor, and not the creation, and yet another time Victor has become emaciated by his obsessive want to achieve something, compared with how he became as he was building his creature. Not long before his death, Victor shows us how despite his stubborn nature, he admits that he has failed, and tries to teach Walton that he should avoid ambition. Even if it is too late, this shows a great change in Victors character and his view of the boundaries of humanity before he passes away. The creation boards the boat and recounts some of his point of view to Walton when he discovers his creators demise. In his closing speech, the creation talks about all of the death and destruction that he has wrought. Think you that the groans of Clerval were music to my ears?

Marx’s Theory of Alienation Essay Example for Free

Marx’s Theory of Alienation Essay Marx used the ‘theory of alienation† to expose what he claimed as a highly exploitative, unfair social relationship existing in a capitalist system which effectively divides society into two opposing groups. He argued that this unfair social relationship came into being because of the â€Å"concept of private property† which, according to him, refers to a situation where the means of production (such as factories and plants) are owned by private persons. This private ownership of the means of production gave birth to the two antagonistic social classes: â€Å"the property owners [or the capitalists] and the propertyless workers. † (Alienation, n.d.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Marx, here lies the first alienation of the workers in a capitalist society. The capitalists own the means of production and the workers have only their labor to sell so that they could survive. Using the plants and factories at their disposal, the capitalists utilize the labor of the workers to enrich themselves by producing â€Å"surplus value† or profit. What worsens the situation for the workers is the fact that capitalists, in order to increase their profit or maximize their surplus value, are disposed to keep wages to the minimum, often barely enough for workers to live a humanely comfortable life. Needless to say, the lower the wages paid to workers, the greater the profit for the capitalists. (Alienation, n.d.) This led Marx to assert that under the capitalist system, the only way to go is for the workers to become poorer and for the capitalists to grow richer. He cited the fact that in capitalist societies, there is an ever increasing number â€Å"in the ‘working poor’ families who remain mired in poverty although every family member works, often more than one job †¦ [because] the wealth of the few depends on the poverty of the many.† (Introduction, n.d.) In other words, capitalism, according to Marx, was tailored so that capitalists who control the means of production should get rich and the workers, whose labor produce the coveted surplus value are shamelessly exploited.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Then the workers are alienated â€Å"from the activity of working† itself.   Marx claimed that workers in a capitalist society do not work because they want to, or enjoy what they do. Neither do they work to improve their lot nor to create a happier, more humane society. Rather, they work simply because they have to earn in order to live. In other words, Marx said that they are â€Å"forced† to work – implying that workers in a capitalist society are far from being happy individuals who have no control even over the course or objective of their labor. The decision rests solely on the capitalists who have already acquired control over their labor after paying for it. Since the only goal of capitalists is more profits, their only objective, therefore, is to utilize labor to gainful undertaking regardless of whether their enterprise benefits society or endangers it. Marx declared that â€Å"If greater profits can be made with weapons than with hula hoops, then that is where they will invest their capital.† In this context, workers who are anti-war are compelled to produce war materials. (Alienation, n.d.) Marx also suggested that in a capitalist society, people are alienated from one another. He argued that workers are not only â€Å"forced† to work under any conditions and for whatever purpose in order to survive they are also kept separate from one another, pitted against each other. This is because in their desire to live, they have to compete for work. In their craving for a comfortable life, they have to practically elbow each other out for better-paying jobs. It is not only workers who are being alienated from their fellow workers. Capitalists also turn against other capitalists in their quest for profit and power. Marx said that this never-ending competition for jobs and profits â€Å"favors the most ruthless, at other times the most opportunistic or well-connected.† In fact, Marx insinuated that this rat race which characterizes life in a capitalistic society is the start of the process of the dehumanization of man. Their failure to shape society according to their needs, their desires, and their concept of civilization, completes the process because this ability to create the kind of society that they want is what distinguishes man from the lower forms of animal.   (Introduction, n.d.) References Alienation. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment. Introduction. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership in project management.

Leadership in project management. 1: Introduction: Project Management is increasingly becoming an essential element in every organization due to the increase in the need for responding to the changes in the business environment with stiff competition as argued by K. G. Lockyer (2005). This is mainly because of the fact that an organization through the deployment of projects can easily respond to the competition and quickly accomplish the target to achieve competitive advantage in its area of business. Apparently this increases the need for an efficient Project Manager who not only has efficient project management skills but mainly effective leadership skills to lead the team comprising the project to accomplish the set tasks. In this essay the leadership essentials for a Project Manager are critically evaluated with examples in order to create profound understanding among the readers on the need for leadership and its effectiveness in Project Management. 2.0: Leadership in Project Management A project as defined by K. G. Lockyer (2005) has a specific time frame with defined start and end points and is expected to achieve an agreed set of targets with the deployment of resources both men and materials. This makes it clear that the project management not only requires efficient project manager but mainly an efficient project leader who can lead the team effectively. K. G. Lockyer (2005) further argues that the defined duration of the projects which by its very nature makes the project life cycle comparatively over a short period of time to the organization’s overall business process makes it clear that the leadership within a project management environment should not only be spontaneous but mainly focused towards the project and motivate the members of the team to achieve the targets within the agreed framework. The major traits for effective leadership in a project management environment expected out of a project manager are Motivation: Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2001) argue that the motivation is a critical factor for the success of any projects irrespective of the size of investment. This is mainly because of the fact that the project in itself is of a defined duration and within this time frame the co-ordination and management of people with various skills at one place to achieve a common goal requires the project manager to motivate the members continuously. Alongside, it is also interesting to note that in case of projects, the personnel involved who work for the project manager possess measurable experience and have exceptional skills in their field of expertise. Hence motivation in this case is not the interest to work but to create a feeling of responsibility among the team members in order to encourage them to achieve the goals of the project. Jill Goski et al (2002) argues that the project manager will not only face the issue of motivating a team of highly skilled personnel but above all to enable th em work together towards the goal of the project where the issues of power and equity will sprout without having effective motivation skills by the project manager. The success of the Eden project in the UK to provide a variety of enlightening elements to the visitors in order to increase the visitors and raise funds for the Eden charity is a classical example for the success of motivation based leadership of the project managers in the project. Performance Appraisal Performance is an essential element to motivate the staff members in a project as argued by Gail Blackstone (2003). From the case study it is clear that the project involves the use of skilled architects whose performance in the project is the key element for the successful completion of the project itself. This makes it clear that in order to effectively motivate the architects it is essential to conduct regular performance review on a periodical basis by the project manager, which should reflect upon their contribution to the project and add value to their overall performance. Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2001) further argue that the performance review is not only essential for the overall performance of an organization but for each individual segment of the organization especially the projects under progress within the organization. Hence not only the project manager should conduct performance review within the project but provide constructive review to the personnel embracing both the project goals and the organization’s vision. This makes it clear that he performance appraisal within the project management is not only necessary to motivate the personnel within the project but also to contribute to the overall success of the organization. Resource Allocation and management Bennet F. Lawrence (2003) argues that the project managers especially involved in the construction business should consider resource allocation as part of their leadership skills. This is because of the fact that due to the defined life cycle of a project, the resources deployed within the project should not only be accurate but also provide ample support to accomplish the goals of the project. The fact that the project treats the human resource as a refreshable resource (i.e.) a resource that can be shuffled and reshuffled within the project teams as per the requirement makes it clear that the leadership is essential in terms of resource allocation in order to effectively allocate the human resource without the issues of discrimination and de-motivation. This is mainly because of the fact that the frequent changes, which are integral to any project, could affect the nature of work of the people involved in the project, which sometimes may not be appreciated by the members. In order to overcome this issue of resource allocation and establish smooth transition of human resource within the project, it is thus essential for the project manager to effectively lead the members of the team. From the case study it is also clear that the allocation of the architects itself is considered as resource allocation which justifies the above arguments on leadership for resource allocation. Apart from the human resource factor, another major element of the resource allocation from a leadership perspective is the fact that the project when utilising common resources, it is the duty of the project manager to provide effective resource allocation that balances the sharing of resources as well as increases the effectiveness of the project. Furthermore, the fact that the resource allocation should not introduce conflict of interest among the members and also maintain optimum usage of the resources makes it clear that the leadership skills are essential in this area of management for the project manager on top of efficient planning and implementation. Planning Planning is an integral part of any project as argued by K. G. Lockyer (2005) who says that the project leadership embraces the effective planning. This is because, planning is essential not only to efficiently manage the project but also execute the stages of the project efficiently using the resources and the work force available. The fact that the transition of the project from one stage to another is possible only through the effective leadership of the project manager to identify the appropriate personnel for performing a specific role in a given stage and also effectively manage the transition of the leadership and power between leaders of the teams within the project, makes it clear that the planning and control of the plan is an essential leadership factor that should be possessed by the project manager. It is further interesting to note that in an organizational scenario, the term planning is mainly used different from leadership whilst in a project management scenario plann ing embraces leadership. This makes it clear that the planning and control of the plan is not only essential to effectively lead the project members but also deploy the optimum use of the resources within the project itself thus eliminating the wastage of resources. The increase in the use of parallel process and serial process techniques through the Gant charts further makes it clear that the effective planning is an essential leadership quality in order o effectively manage the processes and co-ordinate them together at appropriate points. 3: Conclusion and Recommendations From the above arguments it is clear that the leadership in the project management scenario requires the management tactics to embrace the leadership skills of the project manager. It is also established that the leadership within the project management environment is different to the trivial management environment since the changes accompanied in the project management environment is at a faster rate than in the traditional organization scenario. Hence it is recommended that the leadership in a project management scenario should be treated different to the traditional leadership training and that the managers are provided with the ample support to effectively lead their team to achieve the agreed target for the project. References: Books: Bennet F. Lawrence (2003), The management of construction : a project life cycle approach , UK: Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2001), Personnel Management HRM in Action, UK: Prentice Financial times Journals Gail Blackstone (2003), Performance Management in Project Management, UK: Journal of Personnel Management Goski et al (2002), A Model of Leadership Development, Public Personnel Management, Winter2002, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p517, 6p; (AN 9004393) K. G. Lockyer, (2005), Project management and project network techniques, UK: Prentice Hall Financial Times URL(s)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Importance of Being Human :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

The Importance of Being Human ABSTRACT: In this paper I will defend a kind of human-centered perspective regarding ethical questions wherein the interests of humans and nonhumans alike are involved. Compared to other species, however, the idea that there is something special about being human is commonly vague. For example, it is unclear whether the thought is (1) being a human being is important in itself, or (2) it is important to be like a human being — that is, to have the capacities which a normal adult human being enjoys. I build my defense of human dignity on the claim that we regard a biological human being as a being of intrinsic importance, which is what (1) is about. However, I also consider the ethical implications of (2), which concerns the moral significance of personhood. I argue that the idea of a special intrinsic value of being a human is applicable only to cases where we deal with nonpersons. I claim that in spite of this qualification, we might defend a substantial principle of human di gnity founded upon this generalization. Traditionally in the West we regard the property of being a human as something morally significant. In what does this significance consist? Is membership in our species important in itself, or does the importance lie in having the properties that a normal grown-up human being has? I believe that this distinction is commonly neglected in discussions about a special human value or a human dignity. It is a distinction between the direct and indirect importance of a property. What I want to claim is that there is a way of arguing for the existence of a value which proceeds from the assumption that most of us believe that being human is something important per se. The advantage of founding the idea of a human dignity on this kind of reasoning is of course that it allows all human beings to have a share in this value. In the traditional view, however, it is not only important to regard all human beings as having a share in a special human value, it is normally important as well to regard all human beings as having this share to the same extent. Not only is it the case that human beings are more valuable than non-humans, all human beings are equally valuable. This second aspect of the importance of being human will be given no treatment here.

Friday, July 19, 2019

International Space Station Essay -- essays research papers

International Space Station   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The International Space Station, a worldwide project, is the next goal in a quickly growing space frontier. The station will be the first and next step towards researching the vast unknown world of outer space. What will be learned by this station? NASA has only the highest hopes that with the newest advancements in technology up in space, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes can be examined with the absence of gravity, because of the space station.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The space station has been a long awaited project, as the first space station idea was drafted up in 1984. A resolution was made to place a permanent, livable space station in orbit. When President Ronald Reagan announced his 1984 State of the Union address, he included plans for a space station to be in orbit by the mid 1990’s. The idea of having an operable, livable, space station seemed to be inconceivable to everyone who heard that speech. As the ideas for this project began to take off, the main concern was money. How much funding would be necessary to construct a space station? At first, NASA could only work within the agency’s estimated $8.5 billion dollar budget. It was in 1984 when the first construction plan was unveiled, called “Freedom.'; A “power tower'; concept was designed, which is a long slender unit that would be the center of the entire structure. This tower would be a long, narrow piece of latticework, chosen for its stability and to avoid the use of every day thrusts to maintain its altitude. All the laboratory modules would then surround the “power tower.'; A free-flyer module would be used to conduct experiments in incessant, stable conditions away form the main tower structure. The “power tower'; concept required too many parts and shuttle missions for it to be completed. That would force the cost of the project to exceed NASA’s budget. The following year in 1985, a new, updated station concept was drafted. This was called the “dual keel'; concept, and included two vertical towers joined and braced together with three horizontal beams. This structure would allow four pressurized operable and livable modules to be placed around the central meeting points of the beams... ...on. A cooperative effort among 16 nations, the International Space Station will provide living quarters and science labs for long-term stays for up to seven astronauts. In building, operating, and performing research on the station, humanity will gather meaningful experience for future travels beyond Earth orbit. While the station is certain to teach us more about the human body in space, reactions to extended periods in zero gravity, and the effects of these experiments, nothing in this project is guaranteed. NASA is optimistic, but has planned for the worse. Helping the ESA construct three expendable space vehicles by 2003 that could carry and fly the entire station back to earth if needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But perhaps the most telling part about this space station is that once completed it will be the size of a city block and will be one of the brightest objects in the sky. That is still years away, but like all great structures ever built, this may be the most dangerous and expensive. The ISS will be a spectacular, challenging experience for us all, and the world can only wait to see what the International Space Station will bring back to the human civilization. International Space Station Essay -- essays research papers International Space Station   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The International Space Station, a worldwide project, is the next goal in a quickly growing space frontier. The station will be the first and next step towards researching the vast unknown world of outer space. What will be learned by this station? NASA has only the highest hopes that with the newest advancements in technology up in space, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes can be examined with the absence of gravity, because of the space station.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The space station has been a long awaited project, as the first space station idea was drafted up in 1984. A resolution was made to place a permanent, livable space station in orbit. When President Ronald Reagan announced his 1984 State of the Union address, he included plans for a space station to be in orbit by the mid 1990’s. The idea of having an operable, livable, space station seemed to be inconceivable to everyone who heard that speech. As the ideas for this project began to take off, the main concern was money. How much funding would be necessary to construct a space station? At first, NASA could only work within the agency’s estimated $8.5 billion dollar budget. It was in 1984 when the first construction plan was unveiled, called “Freedom.'; A “power tower'; concept was designed, which is a long slender unit that would be the center of the entire structure. This tower would be a long, narrow piece of latticework, chosen for its stability and to avoid the use of every day thrusts to maintain its altitude. All the laboratory modules would then surround the “power tower.'; A free-flyer module would be used to conduct experiments in incessant, stable conditions away form the main tower structure. The “power tower'; concept required too many parts and shuttle missions for it to be completed. That would force the cost of the project to exceed NASA’s budget. The following year in 1985, a new, updated station concept was drafted. This was called the “dual keel'; concept, and included two vertical towers joined and braced together with three horizontal beams. This structure would allow four pressurized operable and livable modules to be placed around the central meeting points of the beams... ...on. A cooperative effort among 16 nations, the International Space Station will provide living quarters and science labs for long-term stays for up to seven astronauts. In building, operating, and performing research on the station, humanity will gather meaningful experience for future travels beyond Earth orbit. While the station is certain to teach us more about the human body in space, reactions to extended periods in zero gravity, and the effects of these experiments, nothing in this project is guaranteed. NASA is optimistic, but has planned for the worse. Helping the ESA construct three expendable space vehicles by 2003 that could carry and fly the entire station back to earth if needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But perhaps the most telling part about this space station is that once completed it will be the size of a city block and will be one of the brightest objects in the sky. That is still years away, but like all great structures ever built, this may be the most dangerous and expensive. The ISS will be a spectacular, challenging experience for us all, and the world can only wait to see what the International Space Station will bring back to the human civilization.

Free Essay on the Grangerfords’ World in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - The Grangerfords’ World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords’ world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The family, after some initial cross-examination, welcomes, feeds and rooms Huck with an amiable boy his age. With the light of the next morning, Huck estimates "it was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too"(110). This is the first of many compliments Huck bestows on the Grangerfords and their possessions. Huck is impressed by all of the Grangerfords’ belongings and liberally offers compliments. The books are piled on the table "perfectly exact"(111), the table had a cover made from "beautiful oilcloth"(111), and a book was filled with "beautiful stuff and poetry"(111). He even appraises the chairs, noting they are "nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too--not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is apparent Huck is more familiar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction. Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in it anywheres" (116). Huck admired how the Colonel gently ruled his family with hints of a submerged temper. The same temper exists in one of his daughters: "she had a look that would make you wilt in your tracks, like her father. She was beautiful"(117). Huck does not think negatively of the hints of iron in the people he is happy to care for and let care for him. He does not ask how three of the Colonels’s sons died, or why the family brings guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality" (118).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Memory Keepers Daughter Literary Analysis Essay

Kim Edwards shows through the whole book that we are only human, the themes that life is beyond our control and through the connection between suffering and joy. Edwards uses plot to set up a sort of life schedule. It goes in order into the future but occasionally skips years ahead. She also cleverly sets the book up so that each year, or â€Å"chapter† has both sides of the story, that of Caroline who is raising Phoebe and then the life of Norah and David raising their son Paul. As the book starts off it is that of a happy tone with Norah giving birth and then leading to a depressing and melancholy tone as Dr. Henry lies to his wife telling her that their daughter has died, to save her from the pain of their daughter having down syndrome. Norah gains more and more depression as the years go on, always wondering â€Å"what if†. With all the depression going on in the story line of Norah there is a gain of strength in Caroline’s story line as she raises Phoebe. This shows the theme of suffering and joy. The idea that even though the character is suffering they are the one with the most joy. Norah Henry has it all: the doctor husband, money and a healthy son but still wants what she never had; her daughter. Caroline has struggled with at first the decision to keep Phoebe and raise her as her own, then struggling with actually raising this baby girl with down syndrome alone and with no one, but she is joyful in the book never having the depression that plagues Norah and her marriage with David Henry. When Caroline finally sees David 18 years later, she says: â€Å"You missed a lot of heartache, sure. But David, you missed a lot of joy†. In the theme that life is beyond our control the author Kim Edwards has the book move through the years rapidly and at a fast pace in order to demonstrate how life flys by. Throughout the book Edwards uses photography as a metaphor showing the character David’s growing obsession with taking photographs as a desperate attempt to make time stand still: â€Å"Photo after photo, as if he could stop time or make an image powerful nough to obscure the moment when he turned and handed his daughter to Caroline Gill†. Life may also feel as it is out of their control with there being a constant aura of uncertainty or â€Å"what if† quality. That being said, the characters in the end will always wonder what life would have been like if David had never given his daughter away, but find it exhausting to wonder once they are brought together in the end after the death of David. As Paul reflects at the end of the novel: â€Å"His mother was right; he could never know what might have happened. All he had were the facts†. Life was also seeming to be out of anyone’s control with the struggle of the melancholy tone through the novel with Norah becoming more and more depressed becoming that of a drinker in Paul’s young life and then being so unhappy with her marriage with David for him being so distant that she has an affair with a man while she is on a trip to Aruba with her job. Even with the tone the author seems to have it progress in a rapid fashion just as the years fly by in the story line. Life is inevitable, people make mistakes, and the mistakes people make have great impact and effect not only them, but the people around them; just as David Henry’s mistake haunted his life and tormented that of his wife’s. In day to day life there are always the people that make mistakes with good intentions. The authors point wasn’t to completely make David the antagonist in the story but yet he was that one person who’s mistake was made with half hearted good intentions, he wanted to spare his doting wife the pain of having to raise one child with down syndrome, he didn’t want her to think that it was her fault in anyway. David just wanted the problem to go away not fully realizing that the problem wasn’t his daughter it was him having to deal with his own past. David Henry’s sister died at the young age of twelve and she had down syndrome as well, it is really sad that this character couldn’t deal with his own past so much that he ruined his present and his future. He knew the pain that his sister having down syndrome had left on him and her death that not only was he trying to spare his wife the pain of having a daughter with down syndrome but yet the author was trying to convey to the reader that he also did it to protect his son from it as well. Norah becomes the character you feel bad for not a protagonist but yet just that good character who’s life unfolding before her is the result of decisions from those around her. She is constantly depressed from thinking she lost her daughter, then she is also gaining more and more eternal sadness with her husband not letting her gain any sort of closure with this or even to simply tell her the truth of his actions and what he had done. The relationship between Norah and David grows further and further apart with him setting himself more distant from her as time goes on due to his guilty conscious eating away at him. Then on a happy note you have Caroline, she turned her whole life around for the life choices of David and that of herself. She raises Phoebe alone at first always fighting for more advanced learning abilities for down syndrome, she gains a man in her life named Al who helped her in the very beginning get to shelter when she had decided to keep the baby but then her car wont start in the middle of a blizzard, he becomes her knight in shining armor. Al becomes a big character having sought out Caroline after years and years of that first encounter with her and stays in her life loving and caring for both her and Phoebe, he becomes the father figure Phoebe never got to have. Kim Edwards set up all the right kind of characters for this plot and in every right way to develop the novel. In the end the themes of life being out of our control and the connection between suffering and joy are evident throughout the story. Kim Edwards used immense characterization that helped to develop those following themes with having the right selection of types of characters. The plot definitely has to do with developing the story, for it ties in with the life is out of our control theme having time go by so rapidly demonstrating that life is always constant and never stopping or standing still like a photograph for anyone or anything. Photos represent memories in life, David became enthralled with taking photographs in an effort to make time stop, maybe capture the memory he had when he made the decision to give his daughter away. The metaphor of David and his taking pictures ties into the Title â€Å"the memory keeper’s daughter† for he was the memory keeper, the keeper of the biggest life secret and lie. Kim Edwards made everything tie together with literary elements of metaphor, characterization, and Plot.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Manufacturing Plan For Wing Of PAV

Manufacturing movees be differed according to the fable proficiencys such(prenominal) as woodworking plane coat fakeing and machining impactes. For the filename extensions of a new personal air vehicle (PAV) scratch ups ands costas ar produced by sheet metal stratuming process and sparrings ar produced by machining process. in the long run all produced separate ar assembled together to produce net wing coordinate.In addition, since the comp angiotensin converting enzyments that build up ailerons and flap ar very similar to wing structure, manufacturing techniques hold for climbs, ribs and spars argon also valid for them. Since there should be actuator and hinge fittings to connect ailerons and flaps to wing structure, they argon considered in implementd separate manufacturing process section.SKIN MANUFACTURINGManufacturing process of skins is shown in externalise -1 reckon-1 1Tools for sheet metal forming trading trading trading operationsStretching Die s, exercise fixtures, drill plates, retentiveness assholesFirst CutAluminums Raw Materials be cut by shearing machine or hand r outer(prenominal) to get useable sizes for manufacturing with much enough excess portions. soup up TreatmentBlanks atomic number 18 and so outcome heat treated to provide infallible mechanical properties to the split. Heat discourse operations atomic number 18 d genius(a) according to the jut out requirements which are de delicatelyd by engine room d nudeings. Heat intercession processes are use to hurl rives in ecumenical T4, T5 or T6 tempers.Stretch Forming SkinsOn the poke out straighten out, skins are load organise and their tooling holes are marked. later on removing the skins from stretch air budgeurees, the marked tooling holes are bore for succeeding forum operations. An example of stretch forming process is shown in estimate 2. take in 2 2Skin RoutingRouting operation could be done with two techniquesThe first one is u sing a routing lambast tool which has two move which have on the nose same form of the skin. The skin is then depositd in between them which is organise with the tooling holes previously undefended after stretchability and a hand router is traveled near the tool to shape the skin to its last-place contour. A photo of a router shell is shown in practice 3.The second technique is using a five axis of rotation gantry routing centre with flexible nothingness assisted table. The skin is positioned with the aids of clean assisted columns as shown in work -4 and tooling holes are utilise to set the machining aline axes.Figure 3 3Figure 4 4During routing operation, tack holes are also bore. besides during routing operation, excess portions like access openings or few pockets are withdraw from the skin. scrape up TreatmentSurface pr severallying operations are also defined by the engineering drawings. many of the resurrect treatment operations applied are rinse off for cleaning, chromic acid anodizing, primer and conclusion for eroding counterion. Primer application program and samaraing are also called as Chemical variety Coating (CCC) which is beneficial for toil prevention.In our case, chromic acid anodizing is applied to 2024 skins for preventing eating away and coat the way for blushing mushrooming. Before chromic acid anodizing, fine holes should be masked to keep dimensions accurate.A typical anodise process would incorporate of a solvent wash and/ or an alkaline clean to remove either oils or greases from the surface. followed by a de-oxidiser award to remove the natural oxide film from the surface, followed by chromic acid. This gives you a clean oxide free surface which once anodised get out give reserve better adhesion of the anodised layer. There is a pee rinse stage between distributively tank to prevent contamination of the can solutions. From there you have two choices, atomizer directly onto te anodise honey comb structure which will give good create adhesion, or seal the anodised layer for enhance corrosion protection but poorer paint adhesion.PaintingFinally, primer, top coat and nett paint are applied on the skin.RIB (SHEET METAL) MANUFACTURINGManufacturing process of ribs is shown in Figure 5Figure 5 1Tools for sheet metal forming OperationsHydro press forming dies, Drill fixtures, drill plates, holding toolsThe main residue of manufacturing of ribs from skins is hydro press forming process instead of stretch forming.Hydro press Formingafter heat treatment, blanks give out ready to be formed. In aerospace application gas cell forming (hydro press forming) is often used for forming operation. That is virtuallyly because of the reality that aircraft parts are formulated in pure quantities and parts are mostly unlike in geometry. Therefore it is obligatory to manufacture a different tool for all part and that is very costly. Although the machine is kinda expensive, to d ecrease the tooling costs, hydro press forming is preferred since nevertheless male dies are necessary to form parts instead of male-female die combination. That is illustrated in the figure. Also another emolument of hydro press forming is that, on the table of the press machine, some(prenominal) tools, with the blanks on them, could be placed arbitrarily at once. In one stave all the parts are formed simultaneously. Also in general press machines are equipped with two tables which make it possible to decrease set up time to half. Some photos related with hydro press forming are shown in Figure 6.Figure 6 4SPAR, HINGE, RIB AND FITTING MANUFACTURINGManufacturing process for machined parts, spars, hinges, ribs and fittings is shown inFigure-7Figure 7 1Tools item to machining operationsmill fixturesMachiningIf necessary those parts which will be machined on lurk around centers, are firstly cut from blocks of raw sensible to their infallible rootage sizes. They are mostl y skin milled. Skin mill is done to obtain a still flat plane to locate the stock on the mill machine table. after(prenominal) skin mill, some holes are drilled on the stock for the sake of tape transport and fastening on the machine tables or fixtures. For tangled milling operations in which there are more than one stages of operations, it is common to use a milling fixture, see Figure -8. Another causality for use of milling fixtures is that in aerospace labor manufacturing tolerances are so tight and geometries are mostly very complex that is why it is necessary to provide same machining conditions and set up for every single part. Milling fixtures are tools, on which stock material is located and clamped. Their main functionality is that they hold the machined part tightly throughout the machining process which prevents machining defects and dimensional inaccuracies.,Figure 8 4To obtain demand dimensional tolerances, some holes require boring. slow operation removes onl y a footling quantity of material therefore onwards boring operation the hole moldiness be drilled very fold up to the final dimension of the hole diameter.dimensional accuracy of the machined parts are generally checked with the utilization of Coordinate standard Machines (CMM). These machines are very precise such as they are capable of step ten thousands of a millimeter in three dimensional spaces. Although they are quite a expensive and they need an air conditioned, humidity controlled and vibration isolated chamber, they are the most accurate and flexible measurement equipments. snap fastener PeeningMachined parts are exposured to shot peening operation. That process is done to remove and minimize the animated surface cracks on the machined parts. Machined parts are generally bear high nitty-gritty of repetitive tensial and compressive loads and these repetitive dispatch is mostly the main cause of fatigue failure. Surface cracks are the mostly change defects from rep eated loading and they tend to bring up under these conditions. That is why they must be removed or minimized to prevent them to grow and increase the fatigue force of the part.Surface treatmentAs explained onward both chromic acid anodizing, primer coating and painting are the surface treatment operations applied on the parts to make them resistant to corrosion. Another advantage of these chemical conversion coating processes is that they make the part more durable to the fatigue, since they disperse to surface cracks, scratches and holes. For instance, pitting is a corrosion type which is more susceptible to such surface defects. Therefore surface treatment processes both provide a tutelary coating in corrosive environments and they take back a smoother aerodynamic surface, which is a requirement to decrease air drag, in particular for the outer surfaces which are in butt on with the air during flight.ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS company Operations are shown in Figure 9Figure 9 1 Tools for fabrication operationsAssembly and sub assembly dances and fixturesAssembly JigIn aerospace fabrication processes, since the parts have very complex geometries and position tolerances are so tight, it necessary to use a fixture to locate parts in their required positions and apply assembly joining operation in these positions without letting them to move. For an air plane wing a single assembly trip the light fantastic toe could be used for this purpose, see Figure 10.Figure 10 5Spars are located on the jig. They must have a planar smooth contact surface and they must have previously opened tooling holes. Those holes are used to pin the spar on the jig and some clamps are used to fix the spar in its position.Ribs are located. They are installed on the jig with the utilization contacting surface of spar and some other location surfaces and they are pinned from their tooling holes. Clamps are used to fix ribs in their location.Some of the holes are transferred from ribs to spars or the contrary.Bottom skin is loaded on the jig by the aid of tooling holes on the lugs at each lateral short edge. To wrap the rib spar assembly the skin could be pressed by some belts or some header plates could be used to bring the skin to its required form and clamp it to hold it in its required position.Some of the tack holes on the skin are fix with clecos, which is a brief fastener. Pilot holes are drilled to their final sizes and countersinking is applied to locations where countersunk rivets and bolts will be used.After drilling and countersinking is applied parts are separated to remove chips.Before lay parts together again, sealant is applied. sealer is a viscous chemical closing off material which is a polymer in general (polyurethane, polysulfide, etc). It is applied when it is still in tranquil form and it solidifies as a way out of chemical reaction which takes place as soon as the sealant is opened to air. They are used to prevent fluid escape valv e into internal structural components. This leakage could result catastrophic failure since corrosion which erodes material would work against the mechanical skill and stiffness of the structure. For different purposes and for different locations special(prenominal) types of sealants are applied. For instance polysulfide based sealant is applied to the surfaces where there is burn content. For fuel tanks these polysulfide based sealants are used since they bind the attack of sulfur compounds that are state in fuel.After sealant application, outer skin is brought to close the wing and it is fastened with blind rivets and bolts since it will only be possible to reach rivet from one side.When riveting and bolting completed the wing is removed from the assembly jig and it is sent to paint shop for the application of top coating and painting. After that manufacturing and assembly operations will be completed.